Proven record of enhancing design's value within companies and the design community;
Align business, design, and technical goals while prioritizing user experience;
Excel in strategic planning and development of cohesive cross-product experiences;
Committed to expanding insights database, balancing qualitative depth with the weight of quantitative analysis;
While I remain open to long-term commercial engagements, I am working to create a space to apply my social design practice by facilitating participatory and co-design sessions to address social impact demands.
Semente toolkit: a framework for community-led eco-socio change, co-designed with a collectivist perspective as a testament to the legacy of collaboration in digital policy-making in Brazil.
Work Experience
Participa is my platform for social design directed to community-initiated projects. After successfully leading participatory and co-design initiatives, I am convinced of the beneficial role of design-centred methodologies in facilitating community engagement when co-developing social and environmental changes. Those sessions ultimately help participants influence policymakers and apply for potential sponsorships.
[From JUN23 to JUN24]
After a decade leading international design teams, I took a year-long sabbatical. While it included personal adventures like Arctic sailing and Brazilian craftsmanship, my main focus was caring for my ageing parents. Witnessing their reduced autonomy was humbling, an experience that places anyone's time investments in perspective. I'm grateful for this challenging yet valuable period dedicated to family.
Established and matured the design presence —research, product and service design— within a complex stakeholders’ landscape by creating a CX perspective above the isolated and fragmented product portfolio and delivering key design fundamentals across products: i.e. a global design system, a user archetypes library, a user-insights book, end-to-end service design blueprints, and a structured setup for continuous validations with end users.
Led design team in SAFe environment to unify FedEx-TNT digital integration—harmonized product experiences across the customer journey framework, defining design strategy and operations.
Led global UX strategy and innovation, developing 2+ year product roadmaps. Managed cross-cultural UX teams across NL, BE, IN, CN, and TW. Directed creative vision for Philips TVs (2013-2016), pioneering Android™-powered TVs in Europe.
Developed cohesive mobile design language through workshops, testing, and co-creation. Prototyped early to gather requirements from key stakeholders.
One-off project leading design-driven innovation lab to reshape automotive insurance services. Gathered customer insights, conducted co-creation sessions, and developed a prioritized concept roadmap for iterative validation with prospects.
LEGO's R&D team explored products blending physical and digital play. Starting with user research, the project evolved through concept refinement and play-testing with the target audience. The final design combined traditional LEGO building with augmented reality, enhancing storytelling and gameplay.
Pioneered UX consultancy services, implementing user-centred design methods. At the time, the approach is often perceived as innovative, challenging traditional client's expectations.
Sharing my review of a case study from EPIC2022 —Creating Resilient Research Findings: Using Ethnographic Methods to Combat Research Amnesia (Kristen L. Guth, Reddit, Inc.)— and how the LeasePlan Design research team appropriated from the Reddit approach.
In August 2022, we hosted one of Amsterdam UX's UX-Crawl events. We presented Leaseplan's Design Team, articulating how we grew to consolidate the Design discipline within Leaseplan Digital at the centre of a massive digitisation project that started in 2017.
“A community of women in UX who support each other, push the UX boundaries, and promote skill and talent”
The Metá:Fora Project, established in 2002, collects, repairs, and distributes donated computers. This collaboration provided logistics and space for operations, enabling the creation of computer labs in various social projects, thus expanding access to technology in underserved communities. That initiative later became MetaReciclagem.
Webinar with Victor Udoewa, Service Design Lead, NASA SBIR/STTR Program
Sistema B Brasil runs the Multiplicadores B (B-Leader) Program, which trains professionals in positive impact. This online program equips participants with knowledge, tools, and practices to help companies boost their positive influence.
Human and nature-based solutions for inclusive and innovative urban regeneration. Dept. of Architecture (DARQ), University of Coimbra — 6th to 12th of July, 2023.
Lead and manage UX at the executive level — Leading successfully requires concise, business-focused articulation of and commitment to user experience.
Customer-Journey Management
Establish and operationalize journey-level experience design work across functional groups for continuous improvement.
Cum laude — Graduation with Merits
Lab Design: An in-house university-based design studio serving a diverse clientele, including small businesses and government agencies.
Research Grant via FAPEMG in 1996-1998: "The Usage of Sound in Interface Design"